
  • Sergio Luiz Cruz Aguilar Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP)



Good offices are a traditional dispute settlement mechanism that has established itself in both fields, international law and international relations. Its employment has evolved both in terms of the actors operating the mechanism and the activities carried out by them. In this sense, the objective of the paper was to analyse the use of good offices as a mechanism for the peaceful settlement of disputes surrounding the evolution from the traditional concept to its broader use in practice. For this, I used qualitative research based on three cases in which the mechanism was applied: the Cambodia-Thailand issue around the Preah Vihear Temple, in 1960; the Argentina-United Kingdom litigation after the Falkland/Malvinas war, in 1984; and the OAS Good Offices Mission after the 2008 Colombia-Ecuador crisis. The article used documents and specialized bibliography to analyse the parties involved in the disputes, their claims, the third party that provided good offices and its legitimacy, the strategies used, the immediate results and their consequences for the peace processes. The central argument was that the use of good offices in a broader sense as well as by an international organization provides a greater chance for both the immediate resolution of disputes and the establishment of a long-term environment of understanding.


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