
  • Tayná Soares Mendonça Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Giuliana Dias Vieira Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Abstratc    The contemporary world continues to echo historical problems, highlighting the limits of politics in articulating viable solutions to the impasses presented by elements such as: difference, inequality, poverty, development, in addition to scientific and technological progress. This finding is evidenced by the increasing construction of walls in several border regions. Currently, more than 70 walls can be observed on all continents, some being strengthened, increased or duplicated. This article aims to present a counterpoint to this movement of construction of walls and barriers typical of contemporary times. We will start the discussion from the construction of the African Green Wall, an innovative project that seeks, with the planting of trees, to reverse the historical process of desertification, to bring new perspectives of integration, life, trees and soil renewal for the regional communities. The methodology applied involved a descriptive-analytical research, since it aimed to relate the variables present in the analyses carried out, with an essentially qualitative approach, in order to bring more light to contemporary international political debates, with a critical and humanistic look. Thus, we sought to break with the interpretative tendency about the phenomenology of walls, presenting new paradigms for borders and their respective symbologies in International Relations. Keywords International relations. International Politics. Human rights. Walls.

Author Biography

Tayná Soares Mendonça, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Tayná Soares de Mendonça é, atualmente, aluna de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. Pesquisando o campo da Política Internacional e Direitos Humanos com foco especial no fenômeno de construção de muros na atualidade através do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (UEPB) por meio do projeto: Os muros no mundo contemporâneo: Considerações políticas, culturais e identitárias. Além disso, atua como pesquisadora voluntária no Grupo de Estudos em Política, Relações Internacionais e Religião (GEPRIR) e o Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Ásia- Pacífico (GEPAP). 



How to Cite

Mendonça, T. S., & Dias Vieira, G. . (2022). AFRICAN GREEN WALL: A NEW SYMBOLIC PARADIGM. Caderno De Relações Internacionais, 12(23).